O melhor lado da Carlos

In the above examples, the possessive is made by adding an apostrophe plus an s to the word that possesses. However, if the word already ends in s, whether plural or not, it is acceptable to add an apostrophe only. The Kellers have a Honda becomes

On 20 November 2009, Chávez publicly defended Carlos, saying that he is wrongly considered to be "a bad guy" and that he believed Carlos had been unfairly convicted.

In the years following the OPEC raid, Bassam Abu Sharif, another PFLP agent, and Klein claimed that Carlos had received a large sum of money for the safe release of the Arab hostages and had kept it for his personal use. Claims are that the amount was between US$20 million and US$50 million.

by steviekeys – See all my reviews This is an engrossing, sometimes scary retelling of history, history so recent it's almost shocking how dimly it is remembered in our time. Rich in detail of a time of world-wide revolutionary fervor before its collapse with the victory of capitalism in 1990 and its replacement by the specter of Jihad.

Ela parecia perplexa, eu a conhecia há mais por uma dé especialmentecada, e ela tinha sido uma assistente social nos últimos oito anos, mas esse foi este momento em que percebi que a imagem de uma assistente social na minha cabeça estava completamente em desacordo usando a realidade em diante do mim.

Jogadores jovens driblam bolas entre os cones ou enfrentam-se nos playoffs. Eles estãeste competindo para se juntar ao clube AS Bondy, esperando de que isso pudesse colocá-los no mesmo sinal de modo a a glória da Copa do Mundo tais como o filho Muito mais famoso de Bondy — Kylian Mbappe.

Evie was his first real friend, as she gave Carlos his first pillow. He also considers her to be the sweetest girl he knows.

From his earliest days as an apprentice in the revolutionary movement to his subsequent downfall, Carlos becomes a figure of legend. Written by

View conversation · Carlos @carlosradioguy 23h Going to get myself a skip size portion of popcorn on Monday and watch this. What with my popcorn consumption & lack of vocal talent pray you’re not sat in the same cinema! twitter.utilizando/ClassicMotown/…

Swipe Out Hunger é um empreendimento social que incentiva ESTES alunos das principais faculdades Destes EUA a doarem suas passagens extras por refeiçãeste para seus companheiros menos afortunados.

In Disney Descendants Yearbook, his "secret wish" is to run a rescue shelter for abused and abandoned animals (and children), while his "not-so-secret wish" is to never see a fur coat or a bunion ever again.

Others argue that you should drop the final s only on words of several syllables but retain it on short words. Since there is pelo agreement on this difficult problem, you must make your own choice. However, regardless of which option you choose, do remember to be consistent. Here are three nouns which already end in s and their corresponding possessive forms:

Por tal razãeste, especialmente, o conceito do depressão como transtorno mental possui sido acusado do ser pouco mais que Confira seu URL uma lixeira socialmente construída para todo Genero do sofrimento humano.

Ao longo da escrita do Left My Desk, o medo de errar tem estado sempre presente, pelo entanto, tais como escritor e contador de histórias, fui inspirado pelos efeitos positivos que os dramas podem vir a ter.

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